Navarre Montessori Academy
Traditions & Events
Traditions join our past with our present at Navarre Montessori Academy. We take delight in these time honored events! They may be community-wide efforts in the physical upkeep of our school, fundraisers that keep our budget on track, classroom events where students present their work, or gathering as a community.
Back To School
Our community gathers every year to celebrate education. Sponsors are welcome to apply to be part of our annual event.

Parent Educational Workshop
4 workshops per school year
Our PEW are designed to deepen a parent's understanding of the Montessori Curriculum at all program levels. On the second Wednesday of September, October, February, and March.
Stone Soup
Based on an ancient folk story and an award-winning children's book called Stone Soup our community gets together to enjoy The Stone Soup Day the third Thursday of November.

While the gala is a wonderful time amongst friends, it also provides vital funding that benefits the children of Navarre Montessori Academy. It supports this successful educational template for students all over the world. Proceeds from the event go directly toward maintaining and enhancing optimal learning environments, staff development, and operational needs.
Every year we choose a local non-profit to donate 30% of the profit made at the gala.
Winter Presentation
On the third Friday of December, we gather our community for a special winter event for our Montessori community.

Spring Fling
Spring Fling which was our Annual Egg Hunt is a wonderful annual tradition at Navarre Montessori Academy that all our families look forward to all year. It’s usually held at the end of April or the beginning of May.
Breakfast Buddies
All our students invite a buddy to share breakfast at school

End of the School Year Event
All our students and families get together to celebrate all our students efforts.
There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.