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Admissions Process

Light class in Montessori kindergarten. The colorful numeric rods in the foreground. nobod

You may notice that the admissions process follows necessary steps in order to ensure that we will be a good match for each applicant and their family. We look for children and parents of diverse talents, backgrounds, experiences, and cultures who will benefit from a cooperative, nurturing environment where students are challenged to reach their full potential. 

The admissions procedure is an easy process designed to give families an opportunity to learn about our school, our philosophy, and our policies, and to meet our staff.  It also gives us an opportunity to assess each child’s personality and determine whether we are able to meet the needs and expectations of the parent(s)/guardian(s). 
Children are accepted on the basis of readiness for the environment and potential for success in a Montessori classroom.  It is equally important to determine whether the parents’ educational philosophy is compatible with that of Navarre Montessori Academy.  Our goal is to enroll families who will both benefit from and contribute to our unique environment.

“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment

which will enable him to develop freely.” 
Maria Montessori

Step 1

Add your child to our waitlist

We have established a waitlist to allow parents an opportunity to enroll their children in our quality program. We will inform you via email or phone when an opening becomes available.  You will have 24 hours to respond to our email or phone call to continue to step 2. If we do not receive a response in 24 hours, we will remove your child from the waitlist and continue with the next child.

Step 2

Tour Our School

When a spot become available prospective parents are invited to tour the school and observe our environment.
While we are selective in our admissions, our small class sizes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.  A tour must be completed prior to submitting your application

Step 3:

Trial Day & Parent Interview

By selecting us, each family needs to consider how well it fits, not only between your child and the school but also between you parent and the school. This is why we offer a trial day for each new families to enroll. It will allow each parent to get an idea of how well the school matches their sense of values and goals, for their child’s well-being and education. The best way in determining which school is right for you and your child is through close personal observation. Interested families must provide proof of passing grade level at the child's previous school. Those families transferring from another program will need to complete a feedback letter from the previous center. After the trial day, parent(s) might meet privately with the head of school to discuss classroom procedures, expectations, and objectives and discuss any questions you may have. The trial has a cost of $75 non-refundable application fee that goes towards the application. 

Parents' Handbook

Step 4

Notification of Acceptance

Upon completion of Steps 1-3, prospective families will receive notification within 1-2 business days as to our admission decision. Upon acceptance, you will receive an enrollment packet that must be completed prior to entrance, along with a copy of your child's Birth Certificate, proof of physical within the past year, and vaccination record or exemption form issued by the FL Department of Health. A student is formally enrolled when the director receives the signed contract, all completed forms, required documents, and  $150 annual registration fee, a $300 material fee, and a $350 tuition deposit. These initial fees are non-refundable / non-transferable. The tuition deposit goes towards the first month's tuition. 

Navarre Montessori Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or disability in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, or other programs.


We consider enrollment in Navarre Montessori Academy to include the family as a whole, not just the child. We seek families who wish to work in partnership with the school on an ongoing basis and who will be committed to supporting the Montessori philosophy at home as well as at school.  As such, we reserve the right to deny enrollment to those who do not demonstrate acceptance and support of our mission.

We accept students of varying academic ability and diverse learning styles.  However, we do not accept students who potentially may be disruptive to the class or who will require excessive individual attention from our teachers.  New students are admitted with a 30-day probationary status. At the sole discretion of  Navarre Montessori Academy, the enrollment of a student may be denied if it is determined that the school cannot adequately serve the needs of the child. Be advised also that the number of children who can be accommodated is dependent upon Montessori guidelines and Florida state regulations. A student who has been expelled from another school, who has not met the academic requirements of his former school, or who, in the view of the Navarre Montessori Academy, has a history of serious academic or behavior problems, will not be admitted. Navarre Montessori Academy reserves the right to ask a parent to withdraw his/her child if the parent becomes abusive to the staff or to other children, as determined by the School’s sole discretion.

Consider the commitment:


  • Your child will likely have a phase-in process to smoothly acclimate to the routine of their new environment.  This may be as short as one day, or as long as two weeks of gradual acclimation. Phasing in depends entirely on your child's comfort level and previous experience in a school setting. During this time we ask that parents stay flexible. The Navarre Montessori Academy community asks that parents prioritize attendance at our parent education events. 

  • Attendance in a Montessori school awards students a new experience that builds entirely upon the prior year and culminates in the mastery of the academic and social topics first introduced in year one.

  • We ask parents to encourage their child’s independence at home. This may mean incorporating new ways for their child to contribute to the family by helping with daily chores and more. While typical programs may not ask as much of their parents, we aren't a typical program! We know that the relationship between a school and its children thrives on the collective contributions of each family. 

  • We encourage all parents to read and familiarize themselves with the policies and procedures written in the Parents Handbook and the Partnership Agreement.

Basic Prerequisites

In order to join Navarre Montessori Academy, we require that the child:

Casa de Niños

2.5 - 6 years old


  • Be at least 2.5 years old

  • Fully potty trained

  • Has basic independence skills such as cleaning up small messes and being able to separate from his/her parent(s) fairly easily.

  • Displays a readiness and willingness to receive instruction and to learn.

  • The child is able to ask for help, express needs and wants, and follow directions.

& Elementary

6 - 12 year-olds


  • Be at least 6 years old

  • Can read phonetic stories fluently.

  • Know some phonograms and sight words

  • Have been introduced to the base 10 number system through golden beads

  • Is self-directed

  • Children that have had at least two consecutive years of Montessori Primary education, one of which is the third year (the Kindergarten year), or are transferring from another accredited or AMS school member Montessori school have priority during the enrollment/waitlist process. 

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